Beware Idea ad - mind your health & safety
The recent idea ad is advising us wrongly i think. The ad encourages everyone to 'walk while you talk'. This i think is wrong advice. The ad may be scoring brownie points for advice on health but what about the unsafe practice of walking while talking?It is very likely that you may end up in accident situation - look at the case of a person walking on the marine drive parapet wall being admonished to 'walk while you talk'. It is very likely that this person may fall either on this side of the parapet wall on to the promenade or oops the other side in the sea. And look at another shot which shows the 'walk/donot walk' sign on the road crossing. This also according to me will make a person walk when the 'do not walk' sign is on. Its all right to be extra creative in the ads. But what about the disastrous consequences of such advice? The advertisers should give more heed to their ethical social responsibilities, while releasing ads.